Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Loans and Credit - Reward Programs

Loans and Credit - Credit Companies – Three types of reward programs.
By Nan Wood

Many credit card companies are offering reward and rebate programs as incentives for new customers. They are aggressively targeting new customers with rewards offers. Since studies have shown that consumers care more about a cards reward program than the interest rate that is charged, the credit limit or anything else, the card companies are focused on the free offer aspect.

The programs fall into three categories:

1. Rebate Offers - Customers receive refunds. The refund is based on a fixed percentage of the amount they spend. The offer sometimes refunds this to charitable organizations. GMAC is currently offering a rebate that applies to the customer’s mortgage.
2. Affinity Rewards Program – Customers chose a theme for their card such as reservations at a restaurant or frequent flier cards. Your rebate comes in the form of points applied to your program of choice.
3. Company rewards – Customers earn points which they use to pick rewards offered by the company. An example is using your points for airline tickets on a range of airlines they have in their program.

If you would like to find a card with a reward program you can visit bankrate.com and creditcards.com, as well as some of the large banks and financial institutions sites. Obtain credit and use it responsibly.

Nan is an Accountant and Real Estate Professional. She is a business writer with an interest and knowledge in the credit area.
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