Friday, September 29, 2006

Keep Your Focus on the Customer - he is Your business

Keeping Your Focus on the Customer
by Nan Wood

With so many ecommerce web sites out there and strong competition in each category, it is very important to keep your focus on the customer. Many people are so short sighted on making a profit, that they forgo the most important part of the business equation-the customer.

Most online web developers spend lots of time and money building a web site as well as attracting web visitors to their web sites. Once a visitor lands on your web page, don’t throw all that hard work away, keep your focus on the customer so that they stay longer, hopefully buy a product and become a return visitor.

Everyone has probably landed on a web site that is out to make a quick sale with no respect for the visitor. You probably encounter pop up ads, an overload of flash advertisements and a mouse trap that makes you close your browser window just to leave their web site. Most visitors would run from a web site like this, let alone purchase an item. So if you are a web designer, create a web site that accommodates your visitors, treats them fairly and has a long term philosophy to build a relationship with visitors and offers a fair product.


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